- 1001 night
- 1960s
- 1970
- 70
- 70's
- Afghan
- Afghan chapan
- Afghan coat
- Afghan jacket
- Afghan vest
- Afghanistan
- ajrak
- antique
- antique coin
- antique coins
- antique cuff
- antique fabric
- application
- applications
- Arab
- Arabic
- autumn
- Banjara coins
- bike
- biker
- block print
- blockprint
- blockprinted
- body
- body warmer
- body wrap
- bodywarmer
- bodywarmer vest
- Bohemian
- boho
- boho jacket
- boho kids
- boiled
- boiled wool
- boys
- bridal
- bridal coat
- bride
- brown
- buttoned vest
- caftan
- cardigan vest
- cauri
- chapan
- chapan coat
- child
- children
- chitral
- choli
- choli top
- chooga
- choogha
- chugha
- coat
- coin
- coin charm
- coin collection
- coin hanger
- coins
- combed wool
- corporate present
- cotton
- cotton fabric
- couture
- crochet
- crochet vest
- crochet work
- cropped
- cuff
- cuff fabric
- decoration
- decorative object
- deluxe
- double
- double side
- double sided
- dress coat
- dress panel
- dress shawl
- dress up
- dressing gown
- duster
- duster coat
- dye
- dyed hide
- Egypt
- Egypte
- elegant
- elephant
- embroidered
- embroidered border
- embroidered cuff
- embroidered dress
- embroidered fabric
- embroidered jacket
- embroidered poncho
- embroidered shawl
- embroidered vest
- embroidery
- ethnic
- ethnic dress
- ethnic dress panels
- ethnic pattern
- ethnic shawl
- ethnic tradition
- fake fur
- fancy coat
- faux fur
- felt
- felting
- fine cotton
- fine embroidery
- fine leather
- fine wool
- fitted kimono
- floral
- floral arrangement
- floral design
- floral embroidery
- floral pattern
- floral shape
- for children
- for children kids
- for ladies
- for men
- for women
- fresh
- frills
- full embroidery
- full size
- fur
- furry
- fusion
- fusion coat
- fusion jacket
- fusion wear
- gekookte wol
- gender neutral
- genuine coins
- genuine fur
- genuine hide
- genuine leather
- gift
- gilet
- girls
- glove
- gloves
- goddess
- gold
- golden
- golden embroidery
- good spirit
- gown
- granny
- granny vest
- green
- Gujarat
- Gujrat
- gypsy
- gypsy dress
- gypsy kimono
- gypsy robe
- hand embroidered
- handmade
- handmade beads
- handmade jacket
- handmade vest
- harem
- heavy coat
- herringbone
- hide
- hip
- hip jacket
- hippie
- hippie coat
- hippie jacket
- home design
- house coat
- huid
- Ibiza
- imitation
- India
- Indian
- Indian bride
- Indian clothing
- indian coat
- Indian embroidery
- Indian jacket
- Indian kaftan
- Indian koti
- Indian mirrors
- Indian shawl
- Indian summer vest
- Indian vest
- interior design
- italian wool
- jacket
- jeans
- jeans jacket
- kaftan
- kaftan coat
- kaftan robe
- Karzai
- Karzai chapan
- Kaurie
- Kaurie shell
- kempt wool
- kimono coat
- kimono robe
- koti
- Kuchi
- Kuchi fabric
- Kuchi jacket
- kuchi panel
- Kuchi patch
- Kuchy style
- ladies
- lady
- lammy
- lammy coat
- large coin
- large shell
- leather
- leather jacket
- light coat
- light jacket
- light vest
- long coat
- long fur
- long vest
- male
- man
- men
- men's
- metal applications
- mirror
- mirrors
- mirrorwork
- mitten
- mittens
- mixed fiber
- mixed material
- morning robe
- mouflon
- mouflon sheep
- mouton
- mouton retourné
- natural dye
- natural fiber
- natural hide
- natural leather
- natural suede
- natural wool
- old coin
- old coins
- open jacket
- orange
- Oriental
- Oriental dance
- Oriental design
- Oriental dress
- Oriental mirror
- Oriental pattern
- Oriental print
- Oriental waistcoat
- oversized
- oversized coat
- oversized vest
- paisley
- paisleys
- Pakistan
- Pakistani
- Pakistani fashion
- Pashtun
- pastel
- patch
- patchwork
- pebble
- penny
- penny lane
- pennylane
- pink
- poncho
- present
- Punjab
- pure cotton
- pure suede
- pure wool
- Rabari
- Rabari tribe
- Rajasthan
- Rajasthani
- rare coin
- real fur
- real hide
- real leather
- real mirrors
- real shell
- recycled
- recycled fabric
- recycled material
- retro
- retro coat
- retro style
- reversable
- reversible
- robe
- rudraksh
- rudraksha
- sale
- sale items
- sand
- scarf
- schaap
- sequins
- seventies
- shawl
- shearling
- sheep
- sheep fur
- sheep hide
- Sheep hide coat
- sheep leather
- sheep skin
- sheephide
- sheephide coat
- sheer wool
- shell
- shell tassel
- shorn
- short jacket
- silk
- silk based
- silky
- silver
- sind
- Sindh
- Sindh people
- Sindh tribe
- Sindhi
- sjaal
- sky
- sky blue
- sleeveless
- sleeveless vest
- soft
- soft leather
- soft suede
- soft wool
- spirit
- spirits
- spiritual
- spiritual healing
- split
- spring
- spring coat
- spring vest
- stole
- suede
- suede leather
- summer
- summer blue
- summer coat
- summer jacket
- summer tunic
- suzane
- suzani
- suzani coat
- suzani embroidery
- suzani style
- tanned hide
- tanned leather
- Tears of Shiva
- tikka
- tikka patch
- traditional embroidery
- traditional scarf
- trendy
- tribal
- tribal application
- tribal art
- tribal border
- tribal dress
- tribal fabric
- tribal patch
- tribal pattern
- tribal people
- tribal shawl
- tulle
- tunic
- Turkman
- Turkmen
- Turkmeni
- uncombed wool
- uniseks
- unisex
- unkempt wool
- upcycled
- Uzbeki
- Uzbekistan
- vegan
- vest
- vintage
- vintage choli
- vintage coat
- vintage coin
- vintage fabric
- vintage fabrics
- vintage jacket
- vintage patch
- vintage vest
- vintage zardosi embroidery
- waistcoat
- warm
- waskat
- Waziri coin
- wedding
- wide
- wide coat
- wind stopper
- windbreaker
- winter
- winter attire
- winter coat
- winter gift
- winter jacket
- winter muffler
- winter shawl
- winter time
- wintercoat
- wol
- woman
- women
- Woodstock
- wool
- wool based
- wool mix
- wool wooly
- woolen
- wooly
- wooly hide
- Woshoush
- XL
- zari
- zari embroidery

Embroidered jacket with faux fur for unisex
Regular price
Sale price$131.00
Save $51.00

Afghan pennylane coat with embroidered borders - Afghan sheep hide winter coat for unisex #7
Sold Out

Afghan pennylane coat with embroidered borders - Afghan sheep hide winter coat for unisex #4
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Afghan pennylane coat with embroidered borders - Afghan sheep hide winter coat for unisex #5